Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Fleshing it out

Today (Wednesday) was pretty much more of what we did yesterday, but the excitement just keeps building as everything is starting to take shape. Songs I wasn't crazy about before are really starting to grow on me, and the songs I loved before are even better. We finished acoustic guitar tracks and did more lead vocals. We even did some back up vocals and harmony. 

I'm laughing as I realize I'm writing "we" as though I did anything. I often catch myself doing the same thing if I ever talk about how "we" went to medical school and "we" did a residency at UAB. That's definitely how it feels though. 

As I said before, I'm "riding tandem" with The Tandems, and I feel like I'm peddling just as hard as they are, so "we" just seems to fit sometimes. 

I tried to get a picture of everyone doing their thing today, so moms and dads of the boys, here you go:

When it's not your turn in the sound booth, you are doing this:

And here is my vantage point:

Not a bad place to spend a week, huh?

We finished up at 4:00pm today because Zac's son was in a musical tonight. We had talked about going back to do more after he got home but he felt like we were right on track so he said to take the night off. He told the guys to check out Fanny's House of Music:

It really was a house.

Of Music. 

And a picture of Andrew E's cousin was on the wall:

And some of them bought clothes:

Then we went to Loveless cafe for dinner:

The boys got to play games while we waited for our table:

Everyone was particularly impressed with Andrew E's perfect corn bag throwing form:

And then there's the obligatory wooden cut-out photo op:

Right now I'm enjoying a quiet moment in my room while the boys are swimming or hot tubbing or something outside. 

We start tomorrow at 11:00am and he said he was going to push them pretty hard tomorrow. Should be a fun day!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you ALL needed a "night off!" So glad you are getting some rest Joli...take care of your back!!!
